Gastronomy, hotels and events

Hardly any other sector is as concerned with the well-being of its customers as the hotel and catering industry. Many companies not only offer outstanding service, but often also provide advance performance for their customers.

And yet hotels, restaurants and event organisers struggle every year with thousands of unpaid bills. The high demands of day-to-day business make it difficult for restaurateurs, caterers and hoteliers to pursue open receivables themselves.

We at Demondo are convinced that those who tirelessly look after the interests of their customers deserve a partner who is just as committed.

To ensure that financial losses do not become a risk to the company's existence, we have specialised in receivables solutions for the catering, hotel and event industries.

Dunning procedure with tact and sensitivity

We are aware of the special requirements of the industry. Polite yet consistent communication at eye level is at the heart of every contact with your customers. With our proven and efficient processes, we take over the dunning process for you until successful receipt of money on your account. And we always keep an eye on your interests.

Your advantages with Demondo:

  • We guarantee a polite and discreet way of working.
  • You save time, money and hassle.
  • You secure the relationship with your customers.
  • You maintain your good reputation.


Arrange your non-binding consultation now. Get to know us and convince yourself of our intelligent receivables solutions.

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